Webdesign in Progress

One of the important steps in starting a website redesign is to ensure it is not indexable or viewable to unauthorised public viewing, we obviously take care that this will never happen to your website redesign but the following sample conversation between website designers and website owner indicates the importance of this: [Website Redesign Owner]…

Website Quotes

Just for interest here is a selection of website quotes we have been sent recently, you can see the variation and difference in enquiry and as always the more information you supply about your business and website requirements the quicker and more accurately we can supply you with a website quote. Full Service marketing, Marketing…

New Website Expectations

You should never expect instant results / sales / enquires from a brand new website as you must appreciate there are hundreds if not thousands of competing companies in your area and sector. The following conversation demonstrates this fact: This is what the Website Owner said on seeing initial website visitors for a one month…